Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things to come...

I want to be able to make my own hours, choose who I work with, help people change their lives and in the process, contribute to the family income.

I want to help women achieve their goals. I want to help them overcome obstacles. I want them to learn to express themselves in a healthy, empowering manner. I want to help them be the best they can be. I want them to have a safe place to talk openly about their struggles while finding support from others who stand on common ground. I want a community.

I have a plan.

I am in the process of developing this community. It will combine healthy lifestyle choices with healing creativity. It will be the meeting place of like minded individuals to encourage, praise and support one another. It will be a place of success stories and moral support. It will be a place to celebrate victories both big and small. It will be a place of change, and growth.

I have a goal, an idea. I can see it in my mind. I can feel the buzz of accomplishment. I can see it coming to life and a good life it will be.

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